Kansspelautoriteit seeks the assistance of regulatory counterparts

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Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), the Dutch Gaming Authority (KSA), seeks cooperation from its regulatory counterparts to back them up in a fight against the online gambling providers targeting Dutch consumers.

Elucidating in a letter to fellow supervisory authorities about their position on unauthorised operators targeting the market, KSA affirmed their authorisation to act against those operators irrespective of their license status in other jurisdictions.

In the letter,  KSA outlined the criteria it uses to dictate whether an unauthorised operator is seriously targeting the Dutch market in the Netherlands, citing the use of Dutch language, symbols or terms, a website with an extension .nl, use of Dutch-language advertising, or the use of customary payment methods.

The counterparts were also appealed by the KSA to communicate these criteria to their licensees and caution them about ramifications like blocking of Dutch IP addresses and heavy fines.