Breaking News from Canada: Single-Event Sports Betting Becomes Government Bill

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The CGA has learned that the Federal Government intends to pick up Bill C-218, the Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act, and turn it a government bill. It is being introduced at 2:00pm ET today in the House of Commons by the Justice Minister as “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (single event sport betting)”.

The CGA is pleased that the federal government has recognized the urgent need to amend the Criminal Code to offer safeguards to Canadians as well as an economic recovery tool for the provinces.

By introducing a government bill, the industry can be assured that it will be dealt with in a timely manner and will benefit from all-party support to see it through.

Amending the Criminal Code to legalize single-event sports wagering will provide provinces with the necessary tools to deliver a safe and legal option to Canadians while enabling economic benefits to flow to licensed gaming operators, communities and provincial governments. We can’t emphasize enough how this small change to the Criminal Code will help communities recover from the economic devastation of the COVID-19 shutdown.

We will continue to update the industry as this bill moves forward.

Source: Canadian Gaming Association

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