Compliance Updates

The most recent compliance updates of the online and land based gaming industry in the European Union, Asia, Russia and Americas

Polish Authorities Issue Warning on Illegal Gambling


  Poland’s Ministry of Finance and National Revenue Administration have issued a warning reminding residents that gambling illegally is a criminal offence subject to fines of up to PLN4.4m (€975,740). Under article 23, sections one and three of Poland’s fiscal penal code, fines can cover the entire total of any winnings plus the money staked…

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Brazilian Govt Aims to Accelerate Legislation for Casino Resorts


  The Brazilian Government is aiming to accelerate legislation for casino resorts. The Executive Committee of Brazil’s Federal Senate has appointed Senator Veneziano Vital do Rego to represent the casino bill, which was first introduced last September. The bill would allow one casino in each of Brazil’s 26 states with 35-year concessions. The gaming floor…

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Swedish Gaming Inspectorate Imposes SEK31.5M Fine on Mr Green Ltd


  Online gambling operator Mr Green Ltd has received warnings and penalty in Sweden for failing to take sufficient anti-money laundering and problem gambling precautions. The company has been fined SEK31.5m by the Swedish Gaming Inspectorate (SGI). “The shortcomings are considered serious and therefore the two warnings are combined with penalty fees,” SGI said in…

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ZenSports Receives Its Nevada Gaming License!


  We are beyond thrilled to announce that ZenSports has officially received its non-restricted gaming license from the Nevada Gaming Control Board! This is an absolutely huge milestone for ZenSports and the state of Nevada. It’s not easy to get a gaming license in Nevada, and Nevada is the gold standard for licensing throughout the world. We…

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GiG awarded ISO 27001 re-certification on primary platform products and office locations


  Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has been awarded ISO 27001 re-certification for four of its primary products including its award-winning platform (PAM), frontend development & CMS solution, sportsbook and data platform. In addition, the company has also been awarded certification for its head office in Malta (GiG Beach), and its offices in Spain and…

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Esports Integrity Council Launches “Transparency Initiative”


  The Esports Integrity Council (ESIC) has announced that its investigations will be supported by the roll-out of a new “transparency initiative” informing stakeholders and the public of its regulatory proceedings and outcomes. The initiative has been launched to aid the ESIC organisation, whose integrity unit concurrently examines 15-30 investigations at any one time. A…

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