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FansUnite Secures B2C and B2B Licenses from UK Gambling Commission


FansUnite Entertainment has announced that its subsidiaries Askott Entertainment Inc. and E.G.G. Limited have been granted licenses from the UK Gambling Commission, enabling the Company to serve as a Business-to-Business (B2B) technology provider and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) operator in the UK online gambling market. These licenses allow FansUnite to supply its B2B wagering platforms to UK…

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New Jersey Legalizes Fixed-odds Horse Race Betting


  BetMakers Technology Group has announced that a landmark Bill to “authorize fixed odds wagering on horse races through fixed odds wagering system” (Fixed Odds Bill), which was passed unanimously in both the Senate and General Assembly in New Jersey on 21 June 2021, has now been signed by the Governor of New Jersey to…

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India: Madras High Court Strikes Down Online Gambling Ban


  A ban over online games of skill such as rummy and poker in the state of Tamil Nadu has been struck down by the Madras High Court, which ruled it was excessive and disproportionate to the object it sought to achieve. The court has asked the state government to present a new legislation to…

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UKGC Extends National Lottery Licence Competition Timeline


  The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has extended the timeline for Phase Two of the Fourth National Lottery licence competition, following representations from applicants and experience from Phase One. The amended timeline will see four weeks added to the Phase Two application stage and a further six weeks for evaluation. These changes will provide the…

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Italian Football Federation Calls for Suspension of Betting Sponsorship Ban


  The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) has argued that the country’s betting sponsorship and advertising ban should be temporarily lifted in order to allow the sports sector to recoup lost earnings. “We are at a crossroads; we must act quickly to prevent the professional football crisis from obliging the clubs to block their activity, thus…

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Victorian Government to Establish New Gaming Regulator


  The Victorian government has announced its plans to establish a new gambling regulator. The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC), which will take over the regulation of gaming from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR), will have oversight of all gambling activities statewide, including a dedicated casino regulation division focused…

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