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Dutch Gambling Regulator Focuses on Minors Protection from Predatory Operators in 2018–2019 Agenda


In compliance with the regulator’s Supervisory Agenda 2018–2019 one of the supreme priority of the Dutch Gaming Authority will be to defend minors from indulging in gambling activities over the next two years. This agenda of the regulatory body for the upcoming year was published on their official website on Monday. Kansspelautoriteit said that they will…

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Italy Could Launch Online Gambling Licensing Process This Week


Italy is expected to launch the call for bids from online gambling operators by the end of this week, Italian gambling news outlet AgiproNews reported on Monday.   The call will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. According to unnamed sources, this may happen on Wednesday, or no later than Friday. The launch of the…

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Fintech startups and banks face off on new rules over European payments and data access


A huge group of over 70 European fintech companies is sending caution that new EU rules on payments processing could unfairly pit them against large banks and ruin the industry if they are passed into law. The rules that are a part of the European Union’s Payment Services Directive (PSD) would prohibit the practice of “screen scraping,” a…

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Cyprus submits revised gambling bill to EC


Cyprus attempted to resubmit its proposed new regulatory framework for gambling after the European Commission. However, its original draft was opposed by Malta. The EU member state’s Betting Law of 2017 was submitted to the EC in June, and included two amended pieces of legislation targeting at remedying several earlier infringements with the 2012 law…

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