Federal Ministry of Finance Republic of Austria
Located in the Winter Palace of Prince Eugene in Himmelpfortgasse, Vienna, the offices of the Ministry of Finance have a long tradition. Built in 1697 according to the plans of the well-known baroque architect Fischer von Erlach, the palace was acquired by Maria Theresia in 1752 along with the Belvedere. After a few modifications it initially housed the head offices of the Austrian Mint and Mining Authority and, starting in 1848, the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Finance.
Since the previous renovation of these magnificent premises took place in the period from 1967 to 1973, a general renovation of the building was necessary and was carried out in the past six years. In June 2013, the central management of the Federal Ministry of Finance was once again able to occupy their offices in the historic buildings located between Johannesgasse and Himmelpfortgasse in the 1st district of Vienna.
Offline legislation: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10004611
Online legislation:
The National Gambling Office (OFICIUL NAȚIONAL PENTRU JOCURI DE NOROC – ONJN) is a specialized agency of the central public administration, with legal personality, under the Government of Romania, established by OUG no.20 / 27.03.2013, approved by Law no. 227 / 19.07.2013, operating in accordance with the provisions of HG no.298 / 29.05.2013, amended and completed by HG no.644 / 28.08.2013.
The National Gambling Office was established as a unique specialized body for the purpose of unified management of certain databases and an information system for monitoring and control that allows the reduction of tax evasion in the field and increased collection of taxes and duties to the state budget.
The establishment of the National Gambling Office was also based on the need to improve and adapt gambling regulations to the dynamics of this extremely active field, with social implications on vulnerable categories, taking into account the need to ensure the prevention of gambling addiction and the protection of minors.
Correct, fair, responsible, and transparent regulation, combating the illegal sector of gambling through the strengthening of technical and legal tools that allow the detection and sanctioning of illegal operators, promoting a legal offer of safe and quality services in the field of gambling, are priority directions for the National Gambling Office.
Offline legislation: https://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/108149#id_artA124_ttl
Online legislation: https://onjn.gov.ro/legislatie-2/
The Ministry of Finance (MF) is a governmental administration office servicing the minister competent for the state budget, public finance and financial institutions.
One of the fundamental tasks of the MF is preparation, execution and control over implementation of the state budget. Moreover, the Ministry deals with the financing system for local governments, the budget zone and state security and manages the public debt.
The MF is also responsible for implementation of state income and expenses, including income from taxes, as well as for financial, credit and payment cooperation with foreign countries and implementation of provisions regarding customs.
The MF executes tasks related to the operation of financial markets, including banks, insurance companies and investment funds, and tasks related to trade in securities. Moreover, it initiates governmental policy with respect to the securities’ market.
Offline legislation: https://www.dziennikustaw.gov.pl/DU/rok/2022/pozycja/888
Online legislation: https://www.dziennikustaw.gov.pl/DU/rok/2022/pozycja/888
The Gambling Commission was set up under the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in new tab). It is our responsibility to regulate the individuals and businesses that provide gambling in Great Britain, including the National Lottery.
We work in partnership with licensing authorities to ensure gambling businesses are compliant in order to make gambling safer and fairer.
Our mission
Our mission is to make gambling fairer and safer. We do that by licensing and regulating in the public interest and providing advice and guidance.
Our vision
We want a fair and safe gambling market where all consumers and the interests of the wider public are protected.
Our aspirations for consumers
We want consumers to be:
- supported to gamble safely and protected from harm
- empowered to make informed choices about gambling
- fully informed of, and able to make use of, their rights
- free to enjoy gambling and to feel confident that they will be treated fairly
- aware of the risks and clear about when and how to seek help or redress
- able to differentiate between gambling businesses in a competitive market on the basis of customer care and values.
Our aspirations for licence holders
We expect licenced businesses, those who lead them and who hold personal licences to be able to demonstrate through their actions and the outcomes they deliver that they:
- prioritise a culture of compliance and commitment to doing the right thing for consumers that resonates at all levels of the business
- work to continuously raise standards and treat consumers fairly
- work collaboratively with each other to reduce the risk of harm from gambling
- invest in technology to identify risks and intervene effectively to prevent crime and consumer harm
- innovate and evaluate what works to make gambling products and services safer by design
- actively identify and appropriately manage risk and emerging risk.
Our approach to licensing, regulating and advising
We will:
- continue to be independent and evidence-led
- take a targeted and innovative approach to regulating, consistent with our statutory objectives
- intervene and use our powers proportionately to achieve our goal of making gambling fairer and safer
- build effective partnerships internationally, as well as locally, with key regulators and stakeholders.
Offline legislation: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2005/19/section/6
Online legislation: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2005/19/section/36/2018-11-26#commentary-key-a7a6f4accdfd38ec60387c781c9f4b12

I am currently a compliance executive for Demark and Sweden in tombola. Previously I worked in AML, Safer Gambling, Fraud and Payments for the UK and German market and looking at Netherlands as well so I have a wealth of knowledge across different jurisdictions.
In my role now I get to also be involved with compliance across Italian, Spanish and The Netherlands Market as well so I have a great opportunity to see how compliance is done across different jurisdictions in and out of the EU so I can compare how procedures and processes are done and try to see and implement which practises are best for the company I am in at the moment.
I am currently undergoing an ICA Diploma in Governance, Risk and Compliance where I can use this wealth of knowledge and experience to undergo the course and further my professional stance on compliance with the newly acquired skills from the Diploma.
ADM is a regulatory and supervisory authority, with the power of imposing sanctions in the sectors of Customs, Energy (mineral oils, electricity, naturalgas, LNG, coal), Alcohol, Tobacco products and Public Gaming. In such sectors, it assesses and collects duties and taxes. Moreover, it carries out judicial police functions.
The four general aims of ADM, which is the competent authority for the Customs, Excise and Monopolies sectors, are:
ADM carries out the following functions:
- manages the customs services and supervises the implementation of the Union Customs Code and all the related measures, including the agricultural policy and the common commercial policy in international trade;
- management of customs duties and internal taxation from international trade;
- management of excise duties related to the energy and alcohol sectors, including assessment, collection and potential litigation;
- regulation and supervision of the gaming sector in Italy, constantly checking if concessionaires and operators meet the requirements, tackling illegal gaming as a consequence;
- management of the different steps which lead to the collection of excise duties in the tobacco sector and verification of manufactured tobacco products’ compliance with national and European legislation;
- in its matters of competence, prevention and contrast of tax evasion and extra-tax offenses, by the effective use of risk analysis systems and database and by the performance of controls, checks and investigations, in collaboration with other national, local, EU and international authorities and bodies.
Offline legislation: Different laws for casinos, sports betting, racing and slots.
The Control Authority is an institution under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania participating, together with other state and municipal institutions and agencies, in the implementation of state policy in the field of operation of the activities of gambling and gaming with gaming machines and supervising gambling and games with gaming machines to ensure fair, transparent operation of the activities of gambling and gaming with gaming machines, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of gamblers and the persons gaming with gaming machines, as it is established in the Gaming Law of the Republic of Lithuania
Offline legislation: https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalActEditions/TAR.E5509883EBB4
Online legislation: https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/TAR.E5509883EBB4/mWBbBfpjSh
Establishment, structure and functions of the Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection
Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection of the Republic of Latvia is implementing the government functions in arrangement of lotteries and gambling. The Inspection has commenced its activities on 1st January 1998.
The Inspection is managed by the Director of Inspection, under the subordination there are the Assistant Director, Deputy Director, Control Department and Legal Department.
Deputy Director of the Inspection is Director of the Control department. Main functions of the Control Department are:
- Control over compliance with laws and regulations governing lotteries and gambling, lotteries of goods and services within territory of the Republic of Latvia;
- Supervisory and control over arrangement of lotteries, gambling, lotteries of goods and services, participation in lotteries;
- Performance of supervisory over casino encashment;
- Aggregation and analysis of information concerning checks performed, results thereof, as well as violations of laws and regulations governing lotteries and gambling, lotteries of goods and services and reasons thereof.
Legal Department comprises Licensing Division and Financial Analysis Division. Main functions of the Legal Department:
- Ensuring representation of the Inspection in legal proceedings;
- Ensuring development and control over compliance with the state procurement contracts;
- Drawing draft statutes and laws and regulations related to arrangement of lotteries and gambling and the Inspection activities, coordination of approvals thereof and compliance with the European Union Directives;
- Review of the gambling rules;
- Performance of supervisory over registration, marking and inventory of gambling slot machines and equipment;
- Analysis and handling of documents for the purpose of granting licenses to capital companies for arrangement of lotteries and gambling, as well as to organizers of lotteries of goods and services for granting the lottery confirmations or permissions.
- Review of documents submitted by capital companies in order to receive license and provision of economic opinion thereto;
- Aggregation and analysis of information concerning overall market of lotteries and gambling, as well as elaboration of forecasts as regards development of the market of lotteries and gambling;
- Performance of marking of the gambling equipment, registration of gambling slot machines and equipment and delivery of marking signs;
- Performance of comparing and verification of the amount of market of lotteries and gambling duty and tax being calculated and paid to the Public Treasury account, amounts of the stamp duty of marking sign calculated and accrued,
- Elaboration of draft annual budgets, cost estimates, funding plans and budget performance reports of the Inspection;
- Performance of inventory concerning quantity, type, numbers and series of mandatory documents registered for each capital company.
Principal tasks of the gambling supervisory authority:
- to ensure gambling being safe for consumers (meeting general electric safety requirements and being safe from the point that technical equipment of slot machines, other lotteries and gambling devices and software providing for prize payment percent stipulated by the law);
- to ensure that organizers of lotteries and gambling comply with requirements prescribed by the law (they have sufficient financial resources, origin whereof can be established, proper reputation and they have been neither sentenced nor capacitated);
- to ensure control and supervisory over lotteries and gambling in order to those being arranged only in compliance with requirements of laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia;
- to ensure protection of consumer rights and to form contribution, to reduce eventual social risk related to gambling.
Offline legislation: https://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=122941
Online legislation: https://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=122941
The German federal states have entrusted the Joint Gaming Authority of the Federal States (Gemeinsame Glücksspielbehörde der Länder – GGL) with the state supervision and control of cross-state gambling services on the Internet. The public law institution is based in Halle (Saale).
The GGL’s central task is to regulate the German online gambling market by reviewing and approving cross-state gambling offerings on the Internet and ensuring that permitted gambling providers comply with the rules designed to protect players from gambling addiction and manipulation.
The authority’s actions focus on ensuring the protection of minors and players and preventing gambling and betting addiction. In doing so, the GGL ensures uniform application and enforcement of the law and enables gambling providers to operate under equal and uniform framework conditions.
It is also the GGL’s task to advise politicians and associations in the event of undesirable developments. To this end, the authority monitors the gambling market very closely and will promote scientific research in connection with gambling. The authority sees itself as a coordinating body for all interest groups (politicians, players, gambling providers, addiction and prevention associations) on issues relating to gambling.
Offline legislation: https://mi.sachsen-anhalt.de/fileadmin/Bibliothek/Politik_und_Verwaltung/MI/MI/3._Themen/Gluecksspiel/201029_Gluecksspielstaatsvertrag_2021_-_Druckfassung.pdf
Online legislation: https://mi.sachsen-anhalt.de/fileadmin/Bibliothek/Politik_und_Verwaltung/MI/MI/3._Themen/Gluecksspiel/201029_Gluecksspielstaatsvertrag_2021_-_Druckfassung.pdf
The National Revenue Agency administers the processes and activities for licensing, servicing, control, and recovery of public claims
Pursuant to the amendments adopted by the National Assembly by the Act Amending and Supplementing the Gambling Act, with effect from 8 August 2020, the State Commission on Gambling (SCG) is dissolved (§81(1) of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Act Amending and Supplementing the Gambling Act).
In connection with the administration of the processes and activities for licensing, servicing, control and recovery of public claims under the Gambling Act, upon transfer of the functions of the abolished State Commission on Gambling to National Revenue Agency (NRA), as of 8 August 2020 the following has to be taken into account:
- The powers of the SCG chairman and members shall be terminated (§83(1) of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Act Amending and Supplementing the Gambling Act). The state supervision in the field of gambling and gambling activities shall be carried out by the Director General of the National Revenue Agency, who may assign his/her powers to a Deputy Director General of the Agency authorised by him/her.
- Until the registers referred to in Article 20 of the Gambling Act are established, the registers established by the State Commission on Gambling pursuant to the current procedure shall be maintained. The new registers referred to in Article 20 shall be established by NRA within 6 months of the entry into force of the Act (§81(6)).
- Administrative and administrative-criminal proceedings initiated before the State Commission on Gambling and not completed before the entry into force of this Act shall be completed by the National Revenue Agency (§85, para. 1)
- In connection to the licensing procedures, it is necessary to keep in mind the following:
Offline legislation: https://parliament.bg/bg/laws/ID/13713
Online legislation: https://parliament.bg/bg/laws/ID/13713
The Tax Administration is the administrative organization within the Ministry of Finance whose basic duty is to implement tax regulations and regulations concerning the payment of obligatory contributions.
All residents are obliged to participate in the settlement of public expenses in accordance with their economic abilities. The tax system is based on the principles of equality and equity.
The main duties of the Tax Administration are:
Normative activities – preparation and drafting laws and other regulations in the area of taxes and obligatory contributions, providing official opinions and interpretations in individual cases on implementation of regulations within the Tax Administration scope of work.
Keeping the tax registers and issuing documents on facts maintained in official records, determining and assigning personal identification number, exchange data with other public authorities and international data exchange.
Assessment and collection of taxes and obligatory contributions – gathering and processing data on taxes and obligatory contributions, assessing tax base and tax liability and liability for obligatory contributions, collection of assessed liabilities.
Tax audit – conducting tax audit and supervision of the calculation for obligatory contributions.
Enforced collection – conducting enforced collection in order to collect taxes and obligatory contributions, conducting enforced collection of national budget revenue determined by the Ministry of Finance and enforced collection of other public levies upon the request of other public authorities and courts in accordance with special laws.
Taxpayers services – development and maintenance of taxpayers service system to facilitate the fulfillment of rights and obligations of taxpayers.
Misdemeanor procedure – filing charges and conducting misdemeanor procedure of first instance due to violation of tax laws, regulations on obligatory contributions payments and regulations on personal identification numbers.
Monitoring the implementation and drafting laws from the scope of games of chance and entertainment games.
The Tax Administration can perform tasks related to recording, determining, monitoring, collection and enforced collection of taxes which belong entirely to the local and regional government and other public levies stipulated by law.
Tax Administration performs other duties stipulated by the Tax Administration Law.
Offline legislation: https://www.porezna-uprava.hr/HR_porezni_sustav/_layouts/15/in2.vuk2019.sp.propisi.intranet/propisi.aspx#id=pro111
Online legislation: https://www.porezna-uprava.hr/HR_porezni_sustav/_layouts/15/in2.vuk2019.sp.propisi.intranet/propisi.aspx#id=pro111
Offline legislation: https://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/2016-186#cast1
Online legislation: https://www.zakonyprolidi.cz/cs/2016-186#cast1
The Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries is a central executive body with a special status that ensures state regulation of activities in the field of organizing and conducting gambling and lotteries.
The activities of KRAIL are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The main tasks of KRAIL: implementation of state policy in the field of organization and conduct of gambling, implementation of state policy in the lottery field, implementation of state supervision (control) of the gambling market, as well as in the lottery field*.
The activities of KRAIL are carried out in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, in particular:
The Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Activities Regarding the Organization and Conduct of Gambling Games” (hereinafter – the Law) is a special (basic) law in the regulation of public relations in the field of organization and conduct of gambling games;
The Law of Ukraine “On State Lotteries in Ukraine”, which establishes the basic principles of state regulation of the lottery sphere in Ukraine with the aim of creating favorable conditions for the development of the lottery market based on the principles of the state monopoly on issuing and holding lotteries, ensuring the needs of the state budget, the rights and legitimate interests of citizens .
*Determined in accordance with the Regulations on the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries, which was approved by Resolution No. 891 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 23, 2020.
Offline legislation: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/768-IX?lang=uk#n6%20
Online legislation: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/768-IX?lang=uk#n6%20
The Hellenic Gaming Commission (HGC) is an independent administrative authority responsible for the regulation, supervision and audit of gambling activities, carried out in the Greek Territory.
The HGC was initially established in 2004 with Law 3229/2004 (A 38) as an administrative authority under the name “Hellenic Gambling Commission”. In 2011, by virtue of Law 4002/2011 (A 180), the Commission was renamed to “Hellenic Gaming Commission (HGC)”, while in February 2012, by virtue of Law 4038/2012 (A 14) it was converted and functions ever since as an independent administrative authority, enjoying full administrative and financial independence and autonomy, as per Law 3051/2002, without prejudice to the special provisions referring to it. The Authority has its own legal personality.
Offline legislation: https://www.gamingcommission.gov.gr/images/nomiki-vivliothiki/diadiktyaka/n4002_2011.pdf
Integrated in the Portuguese Tourism Institute and subject to the supervision of the Minister of Economy and Sea, the Gaming Regulation and Inspection Service (SRIJ) has technical and functional autonomy and powers of public authority in the exercise of its competences.
The SRIJ is responsible for ensuring the regular operation of the practice and exploitation of land-based games of chance and online games and betting, ensuring that all legal rules in force are complied with.
Organization chart
Organization chart of the Gaming Regulation and Inspection Service
To know the functions of the different departments consult the Organic Structure of Turismo de Portugal, I.P. You can also consult the Statutes and the Organic Law.
SRIJ’s code of conduct includes a set of ethical principles and duties that must be observed by all SRIJ employees in the performance of their duties and in their relationship with the community, in order to enforce an ethical culture of public service by the organization.
The objectives of the SRIJ Code of Conduct are:
Affirm and promote high ethical standards and integrity, as well as the fundamental duties that should guide the behavior of all SRIJ employees;
Disseminate organizational and individual standards of conduct in line with existing international and national good practices;
Strengthen citizens’ confidence in the quality of the work carried out by SRIJ employees;
Valuing the ethical performance of its employees.
Several people hold hands as a sign of mutual help
Strategic objectives
SRIJ’s strategic objectives mirror the commitments identified in the legislation in force, namely:
- Ensure the practice of gambling in a controlled environment, with guarantees of suitability;
- Ensure a balanced and transparent gambling operation;
- Combat the spread and practice of illegal gambling;
- Encourage citizenship and responsible gambling;
- Ensure the protection of minors and the most vulnerable people;
- Develop administrative cooperation mechanisms with the competent authorities and services, in the prevention and punishment of illicit practices, including fraud and money laundering;
- Safeguard the integrity of sport by preventing and combating betting and match-fixing;
- Prevent excessive gambling and addictive behaviors and practices.
Offline legislation: https://diariodarepublica.pt/dr/legislacao-consolidada/decreto-lei/1989-67109378-67302819
Online legislation: https://diariodarepublica.pt/dr/legislacao-consolidada/decreto-lei/2015-67110669
The General Directorate of Gaming Regulation is the body of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, under the General Secretary of Consumer Affairs and Gaming, which has the following competences:
- The General Directorate for the Regulation of Gaming is the body in charge of exercising the functions of regulation, authorization, supervision, coordination, control and, if applicable, sanctioning, of the gaming activities at the state level.
- The General Directorate for Gaming Regulation shall exercise the functions provided for in Article 66 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, within the scope of its competences, and in the tenth additional provision of Law 3/2013, of 4 June, on the creation of the National Commission for Markets and Competition, corresponding to it, in particular, the following:
- The authorization of the occasional gaming activities of state scope, as well as any aspect of the modalities and types of gaming subject to enabling title that requires specific authorization.
- The proposal and analysis of the impact of the regulations related to the gaming activity at the state level.
- The inspection of the gaming activities of state scope and of the technical systems used in the same, as well as the proposal for the initiation of sanctioning proceedings derived from said inspection.
- The processing of the procedures for the request of enabling titles for the exercise of gaming activities of state scope.
- The processing of the administrative sanctioning procedures in gaming matters in relation to the points of sale of the Sociedad Estatal Loterías y Apuestas del Estado, S.M.E., S.A. (State Company Lotteries and Bets).
- Institutional relations with other bodies or organizations of the General State Administration, the Autonomous Communities and the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, local corporations, international organizations and any other public institution, whether Spanish or foreign, with regulatory functions in gaming matters.
- Institutional relations with any public or private entity in relation to the social or economic dimension of gaming.
- The economic-financial management of the guarantees linked to the general gaming licenses.
- The management of the material resources and infrastructures related to the electronic systems of supervision of the operators and of the relationship with the participants, operators and other public administrations.
- To report, as mandatory, the authorization of lottery activities subject to reservation.
- The processing of administrative sanctioning proceedings initiated for infractions contemplated in Law 13/2011, of May 27, on the regulation of gambling.
- The prosecution of unauthorized illegal gambling, whether it is carried out within the Spanish State or from outside Spain and directed to the Spanish territory.
- The requirement of information to entities, gaming operators, their service providers and participants in the games.
- The requirement to any supplier of payment services, entities providing audiovisual communication services, information society services or electronic communications, and services or channels for the dissemination of advertising and promotion of games, of the cessation of the services they were providing.
- The establishment of the technical and functional requirements of the games and the homologation of the technical systems of games.
- The promotion and supervision of mechanisms for the relationship between the participants and the gaming operators and for the protection of the interests of the participants, including the processing of the claims that could be filed by the participants against the operators.
- The promotion and realization of studies and research on gaming matters, as well as on its incidence or impact on society.
- The supervision of the mechanisms and systems for the regulation of the advertising activity in the field of gambling at the state level.
- The management of the Registers of the Gaming sector at state level.
- Collaboration with the competent authorities in the prevention and control of fraud and the defense of integrity in gaming activities, and with other regulators of the European Economic Area in the persecution of illegal gaming.
- The development and execution of preventive policies and actions aimed at raising awareness, information and dissemination of good gaming practices, orderly gaming and responsible gaming, by means of advertising campaigns, actions in the media and communication networks and collaboration with other Public Administrations or public or private organizations.
- The General Directorate for Gaming Regulation shall be made up of the following bodies with the rank of Deputy Directorate General:
- The General Sub-Directorate for Gaming Regulation, which is responsible for exercising the functions listed in paragraphs a), b), d), e), e), f), g), j), k), n), o), q), r) and t), of the preceding section.
- The Subdirectorate General for Gaming Inspection, which is responsible for exercising the functions listed in paragraphs c), h), l), m), ñ), p) and s) of the preceding paragraph.
- The National Commission to combat the manipulation of sports competitions and betting fraud and the Advisory Council for Responsible Gambling are attached to the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling.
Offline legislation: Legislation at province level.
Online legislation: https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2011/05/28/pdfs/BOE-A-2011-9280.pdf
The Swedish Gambling Authority is an expert authority in questions regarding gambling and lottery. The authority is responsible for ensuring that the Swedish gaming and gambling market is legal, safe and reliable. We issue permits for lotteries and have overall responsibility for control and supervision of gambling and lottery activities in Sweden. The Swedish Gambling Authority is controlled by the Ministry of Finance and its Board is appointed by the Government. The Director General manages the activities and is a member of the Board.
Our commission
- Provide consumers with the tools needed for fair gaming by maintaining a transparent and balanced gaming market in addition to reducing the potentially harmful social effects which gambling may entail.
- Work towards a sound and safe gaming market.
- Contribute to a reduction of illegal gambling and lottery operations
Our tasks
- Grant permits for national lotteries, gaming machines, restaurant casinos as well as certain bingo permits.
- Grant type approval to lottery tickets as well as to equipment for surveillance and drawing.
- Have overall responsibility for compliance and supervision of gambling and lottery operations.
- Provide training and information on gambling and lottery legislation.
- Inform the government of the developments in the Swedish and foreign gaming markets
Offline legislation: https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-och-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/spellag-20181138_sfs-2018-1138/#K1
Online legislation: https://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-och-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/spellag-20181138_sfs-2018-1138/#K1
Offline legislation: https://www.gibraltarlaws.gov.gi/legislations/gambling-act-2005-1344
Online legislation: https://www.gibraltarlaws.gov.gi/legislations/gambling-act-2005-1344
The Kansspelautoriteit was established on 1 April 2012. We are an independent administrative body and the supervisor and regulator of gambling services in the European part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. We are funded by the industry through gambling levies. The Kansspelautoriteit is governed by the Board of Directors.
The Minister for Legal Protection bears the political responsibility for gambling policy in the Netherlands.
Gambling is a fact of life. People like to play and enjoy it, or hope to become rich from it. However, gambling also involves risks. There are various types of gambling – lotteries, slot machines, sports betting, casino games – and each has its own risks. We do everything we can for the prevention of misconduct.
Gambling regulator
The Kansspelautoriteit is the regulator of the gambling industry. We are an independent administrative body that implements Dutch gambling policy by order of the Minister for Legal Protection. We implement this policy independently. Our tasks are set out in the Betting and Gaming Act (Wet op de kansspelen).
Our opinion on gambling
We are neither for nor against gambling. We think it’s important that gambling is safe and fair. What constitutes safe and fair is specified in laws, regulations and licensing conditions.
Our aim
We strive to create a world where gambling services are reliable, operators are transparent and players are protected. A world where the games are fair and the chances of winning are clear, and where there are no gambling addicts or illegal practices.
Our mission
Players are the focus of our mission. Consumers must be able to play safely. We act to prevent misconduct.
What we do
The Kansspelautoriteit has three objectives and five statutory duties. Our objectives are:
- To protect consumers
- To prevent gambling addiction
- To combat illegal and criminal practices
Our first statutory duty is to regulate the gambling market by issuing licences to gambling operators. Such operators must meet certain conditions in order to obtain a licence. The Kansspelautoriteit assesses whether this is the case.
Supervision and enforcement is our second statutory duty. The Kansspelautoriteit takes a risk-based approach to its supervision. This involves screening and assessing licence holders. If an operator is not complying with the licence conditions or with laws and regulations, we can proceed to enforcement. There are various ways of doing this. Measures can range from holding a meeting to imposing a fine or revoking a licence. The Kansspelautoriteit also takes action against illegal activities, for example if gambling services are being offered illegally.
Our third duty is to promote addiction prevention. We do this by supervising licence holders, who have a duty of care. We also work to raise awareness of the risks associated with gambling. In addition, we encourage organisations to collaborate to prevent consumers from becoming addicted to gambling.
Our fourth statutory duty is to provide information and education. This includes answering any questions that municipalities – our fellow regulators – may have about gambling. Citizens have questions as well, for instance about what they can do if they think a game has not been operated fairly. Organisations also ask questions, such as a football association that wishes to organise a lottery and build a new canteen with the proceeds.
Our fifth statutory duty is to combat gambling-related match fixing among licence holders. Licensed (online) sports betting and totaliser license betting operators must take measures to prevent and combat match fixing within their betting offer. Licence holders must, for example, identify signs of possible match fixing and report these to the right authorities.
In addition to these five duties, the Kansspelautoriteit advises the Minister for Legal Protection on gambling policy. We do this by providing both requested and unrequested advice.
How we work towards our mission
We work towards our mission by:
- Engaging in internal and external collaboration to achieve a common goal. Every employee helps to ensure that consumers can play safely.
- Learning about those who take part in gambling activities. We understand players and their behaviours, and we take appropriate action to ensure their safety.
- Being knowledgeable. We are aware of the risks in the different types of gambling with respect to gambling addiction, fair play and temptations to participate. We take action as needed and provide education and information to various target groups.
- Ensuring a fair market. We treat all licence holders the same and tackle illegal activities. This creates a level playing field for all gambling operators.
- Working efficiently with smart systems and processes.
Our core values
We always act in accordance with our core values. These core values are:
- Professional. We strive to achieve a maximum impact with our actions and continuously improve ourselves.
- Transparent. We provide insight into the what, why and how behind our actions, set clear expectations for licence holders and hold ourselves accountable.
- Proactive. We identify and respond to risks and opportunities in a timely manner.
- Consistent. Our activities are not dictated by the issues of the day, and always contribute to our objectives. We operate independently of politicians, policymakers and other stakeholders.
The Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible for the collection of taxes, social security contributions, customs duties, and excise and other duties. Via various measures, it provides security and protection for society and individuals, including by carrying out activities for preventing the smuggling of illicit substances and counterfeit goods and by controlling the transport of goods. The Financial Administration strives to facilitate, as far as is possible, the meeting of obligations and the exercising of rights, e.g. to claim tax relief or refunds of excise duty, by persons liable.
Offline legislation: http://pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO409
Online legislation: http://pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO409
To regulate competently the various sectors of the gaming industry which fall within the competence of the Malta Gaming Authority. The Authority ensures that licensed gaming operations are fair and transparent to all players, prevent crime, corruption and money laundering, whilst protecting minors and vulnerable players.
Offline legislation: https://legislation.mt/eli/cap/583/eng/pdf
Online legislation: https://legislation.mt/eli/cap/583/eng/pdf