Dutch Gambling Regulator Receives 28 iGaming Licence Applications

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The Dutch gambling regulator (KSA) has received 28 applications for a license to be able to offer online games of chance in the Netherlands.

The market for online games of chance will open on October 1. The companies that meet all the conditions will receive a license. Among other things, it is assessed whether an applicant has an adequate policy to prevent gambling addiction, is a healthy company that handles player balances responsibly.

René Jansen, chairman of the board of the KSA, is satisfied with the provisional number of applications.

“The intention of the law is to channel players from illegal providers to legally reliable providers. With this number of applications, I am confident that there will soon be a sufficiently attractive and varied offer to achieve this objective,” René Jansen said.

A permit application will only be processed once the fee of 48,000 euros has been paid – that is the case with the 28 applications. A provider who succeeds in obtaining a license can use it to offer games of chance via various websites.

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