In light of a recent Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruling concerning the EU notification requirements for draft gambling legislation, the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) reiterates the importance of the EU notification procedure when member states introduce or amend their national gambling regulations.
“Proper notification of draft gambling regulations to the European Commission is essential for good policy making and to allow for any proposed changes to national gambling frameworks to be scrutinised for their compatibility with EU law. The TRIS notification procedure facilitates transparency and allows for potential EU law compatibility issues to be identified before national regulations take effect,” said Maarten Haijer, Secretary General of EGBA.
“An effective TRIS procedure also relies on the European Commission to actively scrutinise all incoming notifications, which it has not been doing consistently in recent years. We’re confident, however, that the new Commission’s emphasis on the enforcement of EU law will lead to it stepping up its efforts to ensure draft national gambling laws are adequately scrutinised for their compatibility with EU law,” added Mr. Haijer.
As the European gambling market evolves, consistent application of the Technical Regulation Information System (TRIS) notification procedure by the Commission and member states becomes increasingly important for regulatory coherence across the EU. The notification procedure exists to ultimately support member states in developing effective, proportionate gambling regulations that achieve their public policy objectives while remaining compatible with EU law.
Source: EGBA
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