Greece Prohibits Advertisement on Online Slots

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The Greek government has implemented tough norms on online gaming and advertising. As per the new norms, the maximum stakes of random number generator (RNG) games is limited to of €2, and maximum prizes are limited to €5000.

The slot games  should not be advertised anywhere outside of an operator’s own website. Gambling products other than slots can be advertised on social media but the operators must ensure that the ads are viewed only by persons over the age of 21.

There are several other provisions.

Online players now need to fix loss and time limits for play, and operators must inform players when they reach 80% of their limit.

Casino games will have a prize limit of €70,000 and sports betting will have a prize limit of €500,000 per bet.

Fees for for seven-year licences have been fixed at €3million for online betting and €2million for other forms of gaming.

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