
GREF and NAGRA Announce Partnership

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The Gambling Regulators European Forum (GREF) and the North America Gaming Regulators Association (NAGRA) have announced a closer partnership aimed at strengthening links between gambling regulators on both sides of the Atlantic.

The two organisations, that respectively bring together around 100 regulators across Europe and North America, have committed to enhancing their collaboration with a focus on building greater knowledge exchange with all of their member organisations.

This will include:

  • Holding joint meetings of their relevant interest groups;
  • Extending invitations to attend and speak at each other’s annual conferences; and
  • Jointly hosting seminars for regulators across North America and Europe on issues of emerging regulatory risks.

Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, Chairwoman of Autorite Nationale Des Jeux and Chair of GREF, said: “With a public opinion across the globe more and more concerned about the risks related to excessive gambling offer and with the increase of gambling markets and innovations, exchange between regulators worldwide is crucial. Regulators of GREF and NAGRA face the same issues and I believe that this collaboration will improve the protection of our consumers.”

Ryan Winfield, of the Arizona Department of Gaming and the President of NAGRA, said: “The power of partnership and collaboration between GREF and NAGRA is important in this ever evolving industry. The changing landscape and the future of gaming makes it imperative that we reach out to other organisations in the industry in order to remain informed as we tirelessly serve our communities. This commitment to collaboration and communication will serve people across the globe.”

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