
Jaime Rivera Emmanuelli, Former Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Gaming Commission, Joins Saiber LLC

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Saiber LLC is pleased to announce the addition of Jaime Rivera Emmanuelli, Esq. to its growing Gaming Law Practice Group as a Member. With over a decade of legal experience in the public and private sector, Jaime brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in international gaming law to the Firm.

Jaime, formerly the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Gaming Commission, will play a pivotal role in assisting Saiber’s clients in navigating the entry of numerous Latin American markets. “I am excited to be part of such a well-regarded and established gaming law practice group,” said Jaime.  “The Latin American gaming market is continuing to take shape, and I am looking forward to contributing my expertise and experience to help guide our clients through the intricate regulatory landscapes throughout Latin America and the United States.”

Most recently, as the Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Gaming Commission, Jaime led the oversight of all horse racing activity, land-based casinos, route machines, sports betting, e-sports, and fantasy contests. Jaime planned, coordinated, and supervised all the agency’s administrative and operational activities and was responsible for the implementation of significant new public policy, including the Government of Puerto Rico Gaming Commission Act. In addition, while at the Commission, Jaime was instrumental in the launch of online sports betting in Puerto Rico.

Saiber’s Gaming Law Practice Group has witnessed substantial growth in recent years, and the addition of Jaime further strengthens the team. Jeremy Kleiman, Chair of the Gaming Law Practice Group, expressed his excitement about Jaime joining the team. “We are delighted to welcome Jaime to Saiber. His addition enhances our bench strength and positions us to effectively guide our clients through the complexities of entering various growing Latin American markets.”

Jaime’s reputation as a frequent speaker at gaming industry events, including the International Masters of Gaming Law’s Spring and Autumn Conferences, SBC Latin American 2022 and 2023, and the 7th Annual Ibero-American Gaming Conference, underscores his standing in the legal community.

Jaime received his B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez and his J.D. from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law.

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