
KSA Completes Investigation into Betting Tip Platform Analyse Master

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The Netherlands Gaming Authority (KSA) has completed the announced investigation into betting tip platform Analyse Master. No violations by licensees were found. However, the KSA is concerned about the nature and success of the platform, because many young adults use it and they are more susceptible to gambling addiction.

In the fall of 2024, journalistic platform Pointer published an investigation into the sports betting tip platform Analyse Master and its associated Telegram channel. The platform provides tips for sports betting and references to gambling providers. The platform is also promoted by various role models. Because the use of role models for the promotion of online gambling is prohibited, the KSA launched an investigation.

In the context of this investigation, the KSA spoke with the two license holders that were mentioned on the Telegram channel and the platform. The conversations revealed that one of the two companies had a collaboration with the platform, but terminated it of its own accord when it became apparent that advertising with role models was also being made. The other party advertised on Telegram via purchased advertising space, but without collaboration with Analyse Master. Due to the association with role models and the targeting of young adults by Analyse Master, this party has stopped advertising within this Telegram channel.

With that, they have both acted correctly according to the KSA and there is no violation. The KSA emphasised again that providers are themselves responsible for their advertising expressions, even if these are purchased from or by an external partner. The KSA also expects gambling companies to be alert to the misuse of their name on such platforms.

Because Analyse Master itself is not a gambling provider, the KSA cannot take enforcement action against the platform.

Chairman of the Board, Michel Groothuizen, said: “The current advertising bans apply specifically to gambling providers, and not to third parties such as Analyse Master. The fact that there are channels on social media that promote sports betting among young adults is a very undesirable and worrying development, because young adults are vulnerable and susceptible to gambling addiction. I am pleased that State Secretary Struycken also announced in his recent vision on gambling that he wants to adjust the advertising rules, so that we as a supervisory authority can also take active action against these types of parties.”

The post KSA Completes Investigation into Betting Tip Platform Analyse Master appeared first on European Gaming Industry News.

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