Nevada Gaming Control Board: Notice #2022-23 – Slots MICS #66 (V8) Variation

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As of March 1, 2018, all Group I licensees were required to be in compliance with the Version 8 Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS). Slots MICS #66 requires that manual and computerized payouts are controlled and completed in a manner that precludes any one individual from producing a fraudulent payout form and misappropriating the funds. For these payouts, one individual is required to witness, verify, and complete the payout for payouts less than $1,200 or two individuals for payouts of $1,200 or more. The Board is granting a variation to increase the threshold from $1,200 to $5,000, provided the jackpot is generated from an approved computerized slot payout system.

Please be advised that the Board retains the discretion to revoke and/or modify this MICS variation approval for good cause.

Please contact Special Agent Nathan Riggle at (702) 486-2060 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

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