Online Gambling Reforms Announced by UK APPG Gain Huge Support

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The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Gambling Related Harm has published recommendations for reforms to online gambling.

The APPG’s new report sets out more than 30 recommendations for regulatory change, with the most notable proposal being a ban on gambling ads.

Polling by Survation on behalf of Clean Up Gambling shows the public is onside.

“It is clear from Survation’s research that both people who gamble regularly and the wider public strongly believe there needs to be significant changes to how online gambling is regulated, including greater protections in the amounts people can bet online and how gambing is promoted to young people,” Carl Shoben from Survation said.

“Research we also carried out towards the start of the lockdown showed that regular gamblers were gambling more, and that a significant number felt they were developing an addiction. A message for the government is that the support for change cuts across political lines, and our research shows that if anything more Tory voters than Labour support tighter regulation of the industry,” Carl Shoben added.

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