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Time will soon be up on two key gambling regulations with new versions being put to industry and the community for comment.

The Betting and Racing Regulation and Totalizator Regulation cover gambling harm minimisation measures such as counselling services, penalty notice prescriptions, allowable TAB shareholdings, and special exemptions.

They are both due to expire in September 2022 and are up for statutory review.

CEO of Hospitality and Racing, Anthony Keon, said statutory reviews ensure the law remains contemporary and its objectives align with changing industry and community expectations.

“A large proportion of the community derive great pleasure from wagering and enjoy placing a bet without it becoming a problem,” Mr Keon said.

“The protections in the Regulations not only create sustainability for the industry, but certainty for the community that licensees are fit to conduct gambling, that penalties are fair and proportionate and that there is communication and engagement with people who do experience gambling harms.

“Essentially, the Regulations support the legislation and are there to set the standards around the conduct of betting service providers so punters can freely pursue wagering as a safe form of leisure and entertainment.”

The draft Regulations propose:

  •     additional penalty notice offences, providing an alternative to court prosecution
  •    prohibitions on inducement offers of free entry into a competition, conditional on having a betting account and ‘special odds’ offers
  •    fee collection adjusted annually for inflation
  •  requirements for sports controlling bodies to notify the Minister of changes in circumstances
  •  enabling the Secretary to change the wording of mandatory counselling and gambling help notices as the evidence base evolves, without having to change legislation.

“With this consultation, we are looking to capture the interests of all stakeholders to ensure a thriving wagering industry can also operate in the community’s interests,” Mr Keon said.

The NSW Government is inviting individuals and stakeholders to have their say between 25 May and 22 June.

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