Singapore Gambling Reform Bills Pass First Reading in Parliament

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Bills that would reform land-based gambling in Singapore and establish a new regulator have passed their first readings in the country’s parliament on February 14.

Under the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore Act 2022, Singapore’s Casino Regulatory Authority would be renamed the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore.

It would consist of up to 17 members, all of whom would be appointed by Singapore’s Minister of Home Affairs. Each can hold their position for up to 3 years.

If passed this bill would also amend the 2006 Casino Control Act by altering the definitions of “authorised person” and “authority” among a number of smaller amendments.

The Authority would have the right to distribute, renew and revoke licences. It would also have the right to issue fines in the instance of criminal conduct that violates the Gambling Control Act 2022.

Both bills will have a second reading following the conclusion of Singapore’s full year 2021-2022 Estimates of Expenditure proceedings, which concern the country’s budget. If passed, this bill is set to be enforced from mid-2022.

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