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French Gambling Regulator Fines Seven Firms


  The French gambling regulator l’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) has issued warnings and financial penalties against seven online sports betting operators for passing France’s mandatory player return rate (TRJ in French) ceiling. Investigating the operators’ activities in 2021, it found that they had breached rules that prohibit them from redistributing more than 85% of…

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At the request of the French national gambling authority (ANJ), SORARE undertakes to evolve its gaming offer, pending adaptation of the legislation


  In-depth discussions have been underway since March between the ANJ and SORARE regarding the tournaments that the company organises using the virtual cards it issues and markets.  At its meeting at the end of September, the ANJ Board considered that the serious doubts regarding the legislation on gambling that this part of the offer…

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France’s ANJ Launches New Safer Gambling Campaign


  French audiences will be warned of the risks of excessive gambling during the FIFA World Cup 2022, as l’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) launches its first dedicated safer gambling campaign – ‘T’as vu, t’as perdu’ (‘You Saw, You Lost’). The French gambling authority developed the campaign following research undertaken by Harris Interactive, which noted…

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French Regulator Toughen Rules on Player Rewards and Bonuses


  The French gambling regulator l’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) has published new guidelines on the promotion of gambling offers and incentives to consumers. The guidelines form part of the regulator’s wider review of French gambling’s advertising standards, currently undertaken with the media agencies of ARPP – France’s Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority and ARCOM –…

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ANJ Renews Six-member Sanctions Commission


  The Sanctions Commission of French regulator Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) has been renewed. Six members have been confirmed and will now serve a six-year term, responsible for issuing fines and suspensions, among other sanctions. Frédéric Dieu will chair the commission, and is one of the two members from France’s Conseil d’État, alongside Dorothée…

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MGA and ANJ Held Two-day Technical Meeting on AML/CFT Matters


  The Malta Gaming Authority and French regulator, L’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ), collaborated on a joint technical meeting on Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) matters. The two-day long workshop was held remotely between 27 and 28 September 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to showcase the methodologies and requirements of both…

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