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At the request of the French national gambling authority (ANJ), SORARE undertakes to evolve its gaming offer, pending adaptation of the legislation


  In-depth discussions have been underway since March between the ANJ and SORARE regarding the tournaments that the company organises using the virtual cards it issues and markets.  At its meeting at the end of September, the ANJ Board considered that the serious doubts regarding the legislation on gambling that this part of the offer…

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Declaration of gambling regulators of France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom


  A few days before the opening of the football World Cup, the ANJ brought together the German, British, Spanish, French and Portuguese gambling regulators in Paris on 15 November 2022. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss several issues, including the fight against illegal gambling, player protection and advertising during the World Cup. On…

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ANJ Appoints Christel Fiorina as Director of Markets Compliance and Players Protection


French gaming regulator l’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) has appointed Christel Fiorina as its new Director of Markets Compliance and Players Protection. In her new role, she will oversee the economic regulation of the French gambling market, by controlling the commercial and promotional strategies of operators. In addition, Fiorina will also be tasked with taking…

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France’s ANJ Flags Concerns Over Licensees’ Player Protection Strategies


  L’Autorité nationale des Jeux (ANJ) has approved or suggested improvements to player protection plans licensees were ordered to submit as part of the French gambling regulator’s increased focus on social responsibility.  The regulator examined action plans from all operators active in the country, including the two former monopolies, La Française des Jeux (FDJ) and…

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France Considering Relaxing Casino Location Laws


  A recent report submitted to the French Interior Minister has suggested expanding the list of eligible cities able to host casinos. Currently, 38 French departments out of 101 do not have a casino. According to MP Jean-Luc Warsmann, relaxation will be proposed for tourist municipalities. The report proposes that a municipality labelled as a…

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ANJ, the new French gambling regulator is launched


  On Monday 22 June, the members of the ANJ met for the first time around the President, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin. This first meeting of the ANJ Boardmarks the launch of the new regulator, which is now competent in all segments of the gambling market. An extended regulatory scope In 2019, France has amended its legal…

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