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IDnow introduces automated identity verification for highly regulated use cases


  IDnow enables an automated identity verification solution for highly regulated use cases, complying with Anti-Money-Laundering-Law in Europe, including Germany. IDnow, a leading European Platform-as-a-Service provider for identity verification, is expanding its automated solution AutoIdent for additional highly regulated use cases, including areas regulated by the Anti Money Laundering Act (AML/GwG), such as banks and…

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IDnow welcomes Bundesnetzagentur decision and predicts turning point for digital identity verification


  Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency) paves the way for artificial intelligence to be used for identity verification in Germany and sets milestone for the application of German technology. he decision of Bundesnetzagentur to allow AI (artificial intelligence) based identification methods for new use cases in Germany is a confirmation of IDnow’s platform strategy and at…

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IDnow is certified for operation of identification solutions via remote working


  IDnow, a leading provider of Identity Verification-as-a-Service solutions with over 250 customers in Europe, has received official certification from TÜV IT for the operation of identification solutions via teleworking. This marks an important milestone for the industry to be able to operate and expand the necessary customer identification for banking and business processes even…

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