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Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin

French, Belgian Gambling Regulators Sign Safer Gambling Agreement


  The gambling regulators of France and Belgium have signed an agreement that will see them collaborate on a range of safer gambling initiatives. Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, chairwoman of France’s Autorité Nationale des Jeux, and Magali Clavie, chairwoman of the Belgian Gaming Commission, made the pact at the recent Gambling Regulators’ European Forum in Norway. The…

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Isabelle FALQUE-PIERROTIN was elected Chairwoman of the Gambling Regulators’ European Forum


  The annual conference of the Gambling Regulators’ European Forum (GREF) was held from 5 to 7 June in Bergen, Norway. More than 90 participants from around thirty regulators from all over Europe met to discuss subjects of common interest, such as player protection, the fight against illegal gambling and recent technological innovations that could…

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France’s ANJ Launches New Safer Gambling Campaign


  French audiences will be warned of the risks of excessive gambling during the FIFA World Cup 2022, as l’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) launches its first dedicated safer gambling campaign – ‘T’as vu, t’as perdu’ (‘You Saw, You Lost’). The French gambling authority developed the campaign following research undertaken by Harris Interactive, which noted…

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France’s ANJ Announces Board Changes


  The French gambling regulator l’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) has made changes to its nine-member board. Isabelle Falque Pierrotin will remain president but three members have been replaced. Board members Éliane Houlette, Mario Blaise and Wilfried Sand-Zantman have chosen not to continue on the board. They have been replaced by Thomas de Ricolfis, Jean-Pierre…

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