Posts Tagged :

Jane Lin

Gaming Compliance Inspections Underway Across New South Wales


  Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade Liquor and Gaming New South Wales (NSW) is kicking off the next phase of its targeted compliance program to ensure pubs and clubs are complying with key gaming harm-minimization measures. Phase two builds upon an already sustained compliance program that has seen more than 875 inspections over the…

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Government Warns Industry About Going Quiet on Gambling Harm Messaging in TV Ads


  Department of Enterprise Investment and Trade The New South Wales (NSW) Government is calling on wagering operators to ensure responsible gambling messages are communicated effectively in advertising. The announcement comes as Liquor and Gaming NSW has issued show cause notices to two betting operators due to irregularities in their television ads that undermined agreed…

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NSW Regulator Steps up Efforts to Address Issues with Signage at Pubs and Clubs


  The regulator of New South Wales’ gaming and wagering facilities is stepping up efforts to address issues with signage at pubs and clubs. Ahead of the Australian state’s election later this month, both the incumbent Coalition government and the Labor party want to ban all signs that advertise, or make a reference to, gaming…

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