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Five Groups Qualify to Enter Next Phase of Nagasaki IR Process


  All the five groups that entered Nagasaki prefecture’s request-for-proposal (RFP) process with the aim of participating in its bid for an integrated resort (IR) licence have qualified for the next phase of the process. The five groups are: a consortium led by Oshidori International Holdings Ltd; Casinos Austria International Japan; Current Group; the Niki…

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Japan Foregoes Controversial Tax on Casino Winnings


  Akira Amari, head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s Research Commission on Tax System, has confirmed that the proposed tax on the winnings of overseas gamblers at Japan’s future IRs will not be imposed. “It would be meaningless if no one comes to the IRs after building them,” Amari said. He added Japan’s casino…

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Yokohama to Establish Committee for IR Operator Selection


  Yokohama city has revealed that it will establish a selection committee based on city ordinances for selecting a private operator responsible for the IR project. The government’s IR Basic Policy draft states, “It is necessary to establish appropriate selection systems, such as a third party committee, to ensure fair scrutiny.” The city intends to…

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