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Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz

German Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media Approves Incode Technologies as an Age Verification System (AVS)


  The Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media, “Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz” (KJM), has given a positive assessment of Incode Technologies as a solution for age verification. Incode Technologies’ solution uniquely validates a user’s age. It is the industry’s first passive liveness technology that is certified by iBeta and its flexible orchestration engine…

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German Youth Protection Regulator Approves HooYu as a Suitable Age Verification System


  The German Commission for the Protection of Young People in the Media (Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz – KJM) has approved HooYu as a suitable age verification system. The KJM offers providers legal certainty by reviewing concepts and systems to check that they meet the technical requirements to satisfactorily perform age verification which enables ID document…

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