Posts Tagged :

loot boxes

Australia Adds Content Advisory Label to Games that Contain Microtransactions


  According to a new policy that has been implemented in Australia, the video games sold in the country must receive a rating from the Classification Board of the Department of Communications and display it prominently on all physical content and advertisements. Since 1 May 2020, all video games sold in Australia have included a…

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EU Report Suggests Consumer Protection Approach to Tackle Loot Boxes


  A report commissioned by the EU Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee has recently come to the conclusion that the EU should stop approaching loot boxes as a gambling issue and treat the practice as a consumer protection issue. The report concludes that while the problematic practice can be dangerous due to the way…

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UK House of Lords Calls for Urgent Regulation of Loot Boxes


  The House of Lords Gambling Committee has urged the UK government to classify video game loot boxes as “games of chance.” The recommendation came as part of a wide-ranging report in which the committee suggested a number of changes to the gaming industry. “If a product looks like gambling and feels like gambling, it…

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Sweden’s Konsumentverket Publishes Report on Loot Boxes and Other Gambling-like Features in Games


  The Swedish Consumer Agency Konsumentverket (KO) has published a report on loot boxes and other gambling-like features in games. The report states that loot boxes or other gambling-like features in games could be regulated under the Swedish Gambling Act (2018) when prizes from in-game features constitute money or money’s worth. If the in-game features…

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