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Holland Casino choose TruNarrative RegTech platform to implement their regulatory compliance and player onboarding strat


  Dutch state-owned Casino operator chooses TruNarrative to deliver their strategy for ID verification, risk and transaction & behavioural monitoring. TruNarrative is going to cooperate with Holland Casino for their upcoming online operation and to enhance their existing land based onboarding process, as part of their commitment to deliver a safe, secure and responsible gaming…

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TruNarrative launch new Identity Verification and Anti-Money Laundering product, TruPortal, to professional services market


  Leading RegTech firm TruNarrative have expanded their product line-up with new Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) solution TruPortal, designed specifically for low-volume users. Established in 2016, TruNarrative’s orchestration and decisioning platform is trusted as a critical supplier by top-tier financial institutions, banks, payments services, and ecommerce businesses. TruNarrative’s customers benefit from…

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