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The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority agree with BOS and find Svenska Spel advertisement to infringe the law


  Some time ago, BOS filed a complaint regarding Svenska Spel and TV4 to The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority, which is a governmental authority, for the fact that Svenska Spel’s Keno and Lotto draws on the TV channel do not take place during an advertising block, but on the contrary are broadcasted as a…

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Swedish Supreme Court to Rule on Svenska Spel-BOS Dispute


  Sweden’s Supreme Court will hear a case on whether lottery operator Svenska Spel must hand over details of its commercial agreement with television channel TV4. The case stems from a dispute that concerns Svenska Spel scratchcard Trisslot, which appears on the TV4 talk show Nyhetsmorgon, where a guest scratches a Trisslot card every day…

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