Ukraine Investigates Involvement of Former Top Prosecutor in Illegal Gambling

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Ukrainian investigators have launched criminal proceedings against the former top prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko over ties to illegal gambling businesses.

Lutsenko’s activities are documented in a whistleblower report about U.S. President Donald Trump, but there is no stated connection between that and the case that Ukrainian investigators have opened in Kiev.

The case against Lutsenko was launched following a request by a senior lawmaker in President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s party.

“Criminal proceedings have been opened over suspicions in abuse of power and malfeasance in office by former prosecutor general of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko by assisting illegal gambling businesses,” a spokeswoman for the state investigation bureau said.

Lutsenko said on his Facebook page that “you need to have rich imagination” to accuse him of ties to illegal gambling.