Armenia to regulate gambling ads

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The Ombudsman of Armenia is ready to launch a bill to regulate gambling advertisements and apply certain restrictions to them. The new development emerges as many countries, including the UK and Australia, has already slapped regulations on gambling advertisement. Following on those countries, the Ombudsman of Armenia has formulated a bill and is pushing for its passage to apply restrictions and regulations on gambling advertisements.

The bill has been developed to end the suggestion (allegedly created by ads) that gambling could turn into a steady income or a job substitute. That’s why it aims to ban commercials which may suggest that winning is guaranteed or that betting can turn into a way to improve a person’s social, professional or private life.

Australia has recently passed a bill designed to give further power to the national media watchdog and joined other countries such as Spain and the United Kingdom in targeting and/or regulating gambling advertisements.

The Ombudsman’s Office explained that current legislation does not include specific regulations, which is why it expects the bill to reach Congress and finally turn into a Law.