
Russia’s draft law offers easy rulers for gambling operators to simplify legal requirements for bookies


  Russia has simplified the rules of gambler’s identification in draft law that was approved in the Russian Parliament. The parliament has adopted the first reading the draft law, which specifically focuses on simplifying the gambling rules. At present, the gambling players have to pass a double identification process: first from the bookmaker, and then…

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Russia unveils new law to punish illegal gambling


According to the Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a new law that would slap stringent punishment for unlawful organisation of gambling. According to the new law, bill, persons who conduct gambling in betting organisations outside special zones or who provide premises for unlawful gambling could receive fines up to 500,000 rubles (US$7,950) and two-year…

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Russia’s Duma passes legislation to punish illegal gambling


Russia’s lower house of parliament Duma has passed the bill that is aimed at punishing unlawful gambling. The State Duma passed the third and final reading of a bill that is set to make punishment for illegal gambling organisations more stringent. As per the new bill, unlicensed gambling conducted outside of the specially designated zones,…

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