EUROMAT endorses Romanian social responsibility commitment

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EUROMAT’s Executive Committee travelled to Bucharest to witness the signing of a new social responsibility pledge co-signed by representatives of each gaming channel in the country.


The Presidents of ROMSLOT, Responsible Gaming Association, The Romanian Association of Gaming Organizers and Producers, the Romanian Lottery, Romanian Bookmakers – Employers’ Organization of Romanian Betting Operators, Romanian Gambling Organizers’ Association – ROMBET, Association of Casinos’ Organizers in Romania, Remote Gambling Association and EXPROGAME signed up to a series of commitments to go beyond legal compliance and protect players.

Commenting on the pledge, EUROMAT President Jason Frost said: “At the heart of our business is the player. We want players to come to our venues to be entertained and to keep on coming back. They will only do this if we are in a position to protect them and these commitments show that the industry in Romania is serious about this.”

Karoly Buzas, a founding member of Romslot and a member of EUROMAT’s Executive Committee, added: “I am really pleased that we were able to bring together the whole industry to get behind these commitments. Social responsibility is not about legal compliance, it is about having a sustainable business. We are part of the wider leisure industry and to be successful in that market you have to put the customer first, in every respect”.