Government of UK extends guidance to the Gibraltar-based business stakeholders

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Following UK’s withdrawal from the EU, the government of UK extended their guidance to the  Gibraltar-based business stakeholders, for almost a year.  And the government of  United Kingdom released a statement with regard to Gibraltar’s financial services firms’ access to local markets until 2020. The British government is very much keen on assuring that the Gibraltar entities will be able to work in the UK for two more years.

The UK government declared that it will work in association with the Government of Gibraltar to fashion a replacement framework to endure beyond 2020 similarly based on shared, high standards of regulation, and enforcement of this regulation, and underpinned by modern arrangements for information-sharing, transparency and regulatory co-operation.

The results generated during 2017 reveal that Gibraltar is operating one of the strongest gaming markets at international level. As part of the United Kingdom, Gibraltar receives bets from British players. Recently, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, revealed that according to online casino operators’ reports, “60 percent of online bets made in the UK come though Gibraltarian companies.” The gaming law is so advanced in the territory that even cryptocurrencies have been legalised for betting platforms.

Both the governments have acceded to recognise the significance of enhancing the liaison on all the implication of the Brexit that are relevant to Gibraltar. “The UK has provided assurance that gambling operators based in Gibraltar will keep on accessing the UK market after we leave the EU in the same way they do now – and we are working towards an agreement of MOU which will enable closer working and collaboration between gambling regulators in Gibraltar and the UK. The UK is committed to working closely with the Government of Gibraltar towards transport arrangements post-EU Exit that support Gibraltar’s prosperity,” read the statement released by the government.