MGA Tightens Definition of Start-ups

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The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has announced changes to the regulations on gaming license fees to narrow the definition of start-ups, potentially ramping up costs for smaller gaming businesses.

Previously, a start-up owner had to generate less than €10m in revenue from gaming or related sectors during the previous financial year, but now, such an owner must generate less than this amount over the previous 36 months.

The rule applies both to individuals who have generated more than €10m and to those who are “part of, or controlled by, a corporate group” who have generated the same.

Under the current license fee regulations, start-ups are exempt from paying the compliance contribution, which may be between €15,000 and €600,000, depending on revenue and the type of gaming services offered.

“This amendment is aimed at ensuring that undertakings classified as start-ups are truly such, whilst simultaneously not prejudicing corporate groups that were in the business many years back and wish to benefit from such an incentive by starting up again,” MGA explained.

The changes will come into effect from January 1, 2020.