New Gambling rules for Slovakia

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Slovakia will follow new gambling rules after the parliament overrode the president’s veto and adopted the new law on gambling. A total of 86 deputies voted for the change, supported by some opposition MPs also. This will increase the protection of gamblers, adding the rules for running gambling games on the Internet.

One of the most important changes is private domestic companies as well as companies from the European Union will be able to apply for online gambling licences.

The law also introduces more measures to protect gamblers. The minimum number of gambling machines in one gambling house will increase to 15 machines. In addition, gambling in these houses will be banned between 3:00 and 10:00.

As per the new rules, towns and villages are also allowed to ban some types of gambling games during a certain number of days during a year. Municipalities can now decide whether or not gambling houses should be situated near schools and kindergartens.