Overview of Changes to the Gambling Law in Poland

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Poland’s Ministry of Finance has informed about an amendment to the regulation regarding lottery devices, gaming devices and slot machines, information security.

The Minister of Finance, Investment and Development has signed an ordinance amending the ordinance on lottery devices, gaming devices and slot machines, securing information regarding the organised lottery and obtaining, calculating and paying out winnings.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Gambling Act, only the minister competent for public finances decides whether playing on a given device is a game on slot machines within the meaning of the Gambling Act.

The opinion of the testing entity is only an attachment to the application for issuing the decision. This opinion must contain information that it serves only to issue a decision by the minister competent for public finance.

Thus, the opinion of the testing entity does not state the gambling or non-gambling nature of a given game and cannot be treated as a settlement in this respect.