Paf Receives ISO Certification for High Level Information Security Management

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Paf has received ISO standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for the high level of information security management.

“We are delighted to have succeeded in obtaining the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification about information security. Information security is a priority at Paf and we are very keen to protect our customers and ourselves against operational, IT and cyber security risks,” Francois Maugis, IT Director with responsibility for information security at Paf said.

“We started in the knowledge that the process can take up to two years to complete, but we have a dedicated team that sometimes worked day and night to succeed quickly,” Francois Maugis added.

“This certificate gives the people examining us a faster and easier opportunity to see that Paf has mature, well-managed and verifiable information security management for our customers in particular. This is of the utmost importance in our industry,” Linda Mattsson, Compliance Manager said.

“By introducing a tougher standardized risk management process, we are striving to manage the risks that exist in the industry. Then, of course, it is up to us to deliver and continue to develop a safe playground for our customers,” Christer Fahlstedt, the CEO of Paf said.