Tennis Integrity Supervisory Board Approves the Plan to Merge Anti-corruption and Anti-doping Units

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The Tennis Integrity Supervisory Board has approved the plan to merge the anti-corruption and anti-doping units into a single organisation.

The Tennis Anti-Corruption Programme (TACP) covers all betting-related corruption issues, while separately the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme (TADP) is administered on behalf of the sport by the International Tennis Federation (ITF).

“We are confident there will be significant benefits from integrating these two strong programmes into a single organisation. They include enhanced information sharing between the anti-doping and anti-corruption teams and the opportunity to join up education and support for players,” Board Chair Jennie Price said.

To ensure a seamless transfer of functions, the new organisation will take on full responsibility for tennis anti-doping from the ITF on January 1, 2021.