U.S. FTC to conduct public workshop for examining consumer protection issues surrounding loot boxes

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The United States’ Federal Trade Commission has announced that it will be holding a public workshop in August 2019, to examine consumer protection issues surrounding video game loot boxes. The workshop will be attended by stakeholders including industry representatives, consumer rights advocates, and government officials among others.

The FTC has said that its August workshop will cover the following topics:

The in-game transaction landscape, including the origins and evolution of loot boxes and their role in game play and the digital marketplace;

Research examining consumer behaviour, including child and adolescent behaviour, in the context of video games and digital transactions; and

A discussion of consumer awareness and education about in-game digital transactions, including the mechanics, marketing, and financial commitments associated with loot boxes.

The workshop will be open to the public and free to attend so players who want to voice their concerns can head over to the Constitution Center at 400 7th St., SW, Washington, D.C. Those who cannot attend will be given the opportunity to watch the workshop online.