UK to Halt Credit Card Gambling

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UK government is going to ban the use of credit cards in gambling. The UK Gambling Commission backed the principle that consumers should not gamble with money they do not have. Along that same line, the minister hinted that the government may ban gambling with credit cards.

He told MPs he has “a good deal of sympathy” with Labour calls to prevent credit card gambling. His remarks came after Shadow Culture Secretary Tom Watson raised the case of a woman who racked up a debt of more than £100,000 using nine credit cards in just two days gambling online.

“The operators which took her bets should be held responsible for their disgraceful conduct,” Mr Watson said. “No one should go into debt to place a bet.”

“I have a good deal of sympathy with those who find themselves in the position of the individual he has described,” Mr. Wright replied. “It is important that not just gambling companies but all of us take an interest in the way this kind of problem gambling is developing.”

“The Gambling Commission is looking at the specific question of gambling on credit—a process we have encouraged. The Government will intend to take action on the back of what they say,” the minister concluded.