Australian gaming politician brings a change of tack in his proposal regarding slot machines

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Nick Xenophon, the Australian anti-gaming politician brings a change of tack in his proposal with regard to slot machines.

Thus, South Australian state could encounter alterations in its gaming industry post the elections, as the anti-gambling activist, Nick Xenophon’s SA Best party is all set to win hands down a number of lower house seats. Xenophon announced about him delivering a preponderant anti-pokies policy the coming year which targets the Australian Hotels Association (ASA).

Xenophon’s first legislation was a thorough ban on any slot machine operations in the region, but yesterday the politician and his party put forward a new proposal pushing for a reduction of gaming machines operations in South Australian state, than halting the activity completely.

SA Best’s policy platform for the upcoming elections in March includes legislative gaming proposals to reduce operations in the region. Xenophon stated: “I suggest to you that if SA Best is in a position of power to hold the next government to account, then both Labor and the Liberals will become born-again gambling reformers in a very short amount of time.”

The new proposals recommend deterioration in the number of poker machines in hotels and clubs from around 12,100 to 8,100 by 2023 and introduce a system of AUS$1 maximum bets per spin. Meanwhile, the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) has already rolled out an advertising campaign to get South Australians to back anyone but Xenophon.