City of Rockford could have one of the stiffest video gaming fees

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If the voters accede the home rule, the city of Rockford (northern Illinois) could have one of the stiffest video gaming fees in the U. S.  As per the reports of the Rockford Register Star, Mayor Tom McNamara has proposed an annual fee of $1,000 per machine for those who are operating video gaming terminals.

A referendum will be included on the Tuesday primary ballot that calls for the city voters to approve home rule authority in Rockford. Home rule would provide Rockford broader powers to tax and administer itself.

Current state law allows rule communities that participate in video gaming to charge a license fee of up to $25 per machine.

The escalation would generate nearly $450,000 in additional revenue for the city. Rockford leaders say the city needs new revenue to keep step with the expenses in the years ahead.