New Hampshire Gaming Regulatory Oversight Authority

New Hampshire.png
14 Integra Dr Concord New Hampshire NH 03301 US

The Gaming Regulatory Oversight Authority has been established to insure integrity and public confidence in gaming regulation and to oversee and assess the current regulation of gaming activities authorized pursuant to New Hampshire law and recommend the appropriate regulation of casino gambling in New Hampshire.

284-A:2 Functions and Duties of the Authority.

I. The functions and duties of the authority shall include the following: (a) Evaluate whether the current regulations and regulatory bodies for legal gaming in the state are adequate to operate in a manner that protects the public interest and allows the regulation of gaming to be conducted in an effective and efficient manner.

(b) Design the structure of the oversight agency necessary to regulate all lawful gaming and betting activity in the state, considering whether the state should continue the current divided structure or whether the state should adopt a unified and centralized gaming control authority.

(c) Review legislative proposals and recommend comprehensive statutory and regulatory provisions to enable and oversee casino gaming.

(d) Identify and draft appropriate laws and regulations for ensuring ongoing and stringent review and enforcement of current and proposed gaming operations, including:

(1) Appropriate provisions for investigating the qualifications of gaming license applicants;

(2) Procedures and criteria for issuing gaming licenses or gaming permits, including appropriate fees;

(3) Procedures and criteria for selection of licensees;

(4) Control of gaming technology and gaming devices; and

(5) Procedures for investigating and enforcing violations of any gaming laws or regulations.

(6) Process for sustaining ongoing charitable gaming resources to charities in New Hampshire.

(e) Identify, review, and propose necessary changes in the policies and practices of the lottery commission and the racing and charitable gaming commission to ensure the independence, integrity, and public accountability of the regulation of gaming in New Hampshire, including insulating the regulators from conflicts of interest.

II. In making its recommendations, the authority shall conduct a thorough review of gaming regulatory structure and regulation in other states, including but not limited to Maine, Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, and Nevada.

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