Nevada Gaming Commission changes gambling regulation

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The Nevada Gaming Association Commission has changed its gambling regulations for dealing with intoxicated gamblers.

The commission clarified the new rules. Casinos are not allowed to let “visible impaired” people to gamble, which include the customers who are drunk or high on drugs. The regulation is not entirely new, but it just makes the existing rules tougher, the commission said.

Tony Alamo, the commission chairman said:  “It’s not smart to allow impaired people to gamble. Previously, we used the words ‘intoxication,’ and intoxication sometimes gives the feeling of just alcohol … We want to make it crystal-clear across the board under all regulations that ‘impairment’ is not just alcohol; it’s being impaired by drugs.”

The change assumes significance after Nevada legalised recreational marijuana last year. Alamo said that while the rule change did not have an impact on yesterday’s vote, it was a response to changing times.

“Decades ago, you would never think that anybody who was impaired was from anything but alcohol. Not anymore,” Alamo said. “Society changes, Las Vegas changes and we change with it.”
