South Africa accepts new gambling bill

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South African Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry has adopted the redrafted National Gambling Amendment Bill.

Joanmariae Fubbs, the chairperson of the Committee, said although the Department of Trade and Industry had introduced a comprehensive Bill, the committee had resolved to deal with three technical issues only to address existing governance challenges speedily. The three issues are the following: the reconfiguration of the National Gambling Board to the National Gambling Regulator; addressing governance challenges relating to the National Gambling Policy Council; and broadening the National Central Electronic Monitoring System.

She added that other important issues, such as horse racing, dog racing, electronic bingo terminals, betting on lottery results and online gaming, have been considered and is being referred for consideration in the Sixth Parliament. There was not enough time to address and study all the issues. Therefore, the committee is of the view that these amendments, adopted today, will pave the way for more comprehensive and holistic amendments to the gambling regulatory framework, said Ms Fubbs.