Square Enix withdraws three mobile games in Belgium after ban of loot boxes

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Square Enix has removed three of its mobile games in Belgium after the loot box ban in the country. Mobius Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts Union X and Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia are the removed games.

The company said the withdrawal is because of “the present uncertain legal status of ‘loot boxes’ under Belgian law.” Belgium’s gaming commission deemed in last April that loot boxes, which reward players with randomised in-game items, in some games broke gambling rules. The move has affected several titles, including Guild Wars 2. The Netherlands has also followed suite to ban certain games.

Some other countries and jurisdictions are also weighing the options to regulate loot boxes. While the UK has determined that they aren’t a type of gambling if players can not sell the virtual items they receive for real money, it is keeping tabs on the issue.