USA bans online interstate gambling

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The U.S. Government has banned all forms of online gambling involving interstate transactions. The U.S. Justice Department reversed its stand from 2011, according to which only interstate sports betting was illegal. However, as per the new clarification, all online gambling involving interstate transactions is now prohibited.

The ruling will not affect online gambling in which the wagers are placed from within a state’s borders, however, this suggests casinos will have to have both a physical presence and a secure system in place to ensure that no bets originate from outside of the state. It is unknown at this time how the industry will navigate that issue in a way that satisfies the revised federal regulations.

This reversal could also affect crypto-based betting platforms like Augur although decentralisation could push the definition of “interstate” to its philosophical limits. Most deeply affected are interstate lotteries as well as poker games that run between Delaware, Nevada, and New Jersey, according to the report. Casino operator shares fell on the news Tuesday, and if the past is any indication, the industry will likely fiercely endeavour to reverse this decision.