The Hellenic Gaming Commission (HGC) is an independent administrative authority responsible for the regulation, supervision and audit of gambling activities, carried out in the Greek Territory.
The HGC was initially established in 2004 with Law 3229/2004 (A 38) as an administrative authority under the name “Hellenic Gambling Commission”. In 2011, by virtue of Law 4002/2011 (A 180), the Commission was renamed to “Hellenic Gaming Commission (HGC)”, while in February 2012, by virtue of Law 4038/2012 (A 14) it was converted and functions ever since as an independent administrative authority, enjoying full administrative and financial independence and autonomy, as per Law 3051/2002, without prejudice to the special provisions referring to it. The Authority has its own legal personality.
Offline legislation: https://www.gamingcommission.gov.gr/images/nomiki-vivliothiki/diadiktyaka/n4002_2011.pdf