The Swedish Gambling Authority
The Swedish Gambling Authority is an expert authority in questions regarding gambling and lottery. The authority is responsible for ensuring that the Swedish gaming and gambling market is legal, safe and reliable. We issue permits for lotteries and have overall responsibility for control and supervision of gambling and lottery activities in Sweden. The Swedish Gambling Authority is controlled by the Ministry of Finance and its Board is appointed by the Government. The Director General manages the activities and is a member of the Board.
Our commission
- Provide consumers with the tools needed for fair gaming by maintaining a transparent and balanced gaming market in addition to reducing the potentially harmful social effects which gambling may entail.
- Work towards a sound and safe gaming market.
- Contribute to a reduction of illegal gambling and lottery operations
Our tasks
- Grant permits for national lotteries, gaming machines, restaurant casinos as well as certain bingo permits.
- Grant type approval to lottery tickets as well as to equipment for surveillance and drawing.
- Have overall responsibility for compliance and supervision of gambling and lottery operations.
- Provide training and information on gambling and lottery legislation.
- Inform the government of the developments in the Swedish and foreign gaming markets
Offline legislation:
Online legislation: