The National Gambling Office (OFICIUL NAȚIONAL PENTRU JOCURI DE NOROC – ONJN) is a specialized agency of the central public administration, with legal personality, under the Government of Romania, established by OUG no.20 / 27.03.2013, approved by Law no. 227 / 19.07.2013, operating in accordance with the provisions of HG no.298 / 29.05.2013, amended and completed by HG no.644 / 28.08.2013.
The National Gambling Office was established as a unique specialized body for the purpose of unified management of certain databases and an information system for monitoring and control that allows the reduction of tax evasion in the field and increased collection of taxes and duties to the state budget.
The establishment of the National Gambling Office was also based on the need to improve and adapt gambling regulations to the dynamics of this extremely active field, with social implications on vulnerable categories, taking into account the need to ensure the prevention of gambling addiction and the protection of minors.
Correct, fair, responsible, and transparent regulation, combating the illegal sector of gambling through the strengthening of technical and legal tools that allow the detection and sanctioning of illegal operators, promoting a legal offer of safe and quality services in the field of gambling, are priority directions for the National Gambling Office.
Offline legislation: https://legislatie.just.ro/Public/DetaliiDocument/108149#id_artA124_ttl
Online legislation: https://onjn.gov.ro/legislatie-2/