Superintendencia de Casinos de Juego (SCJ)

Morandé 360, Piso 11 Santiago Región Metropolitana 834-0456 CL

Created through Law No. 19,995 of January 7, 2005, the Superintendencia de Casinos de Juego (SCJ) is an autonomous agency with legal personality and its own assets, which is related to the President of the Republic through the Ministry of Finance. It is a public service governed by the High Public Management System and represents the State in the exercise of the functions of oversight and supervision for the installation, administration and operation of the country’s gaming casinos.


Our Functions:

1. Grant, deny, renew and revoke the operating permits for gaming casinos, as well as gaming licenses and related services, in accordance with the provisions of this law. For these purposes, the Superintendency will be empowered to request, collect and gather the information and background information related to the applications for gaming casino operation permits, the expansion or reduction of gaming licenses and related services, and the contingencies to the renewal and revocation of such permits.

2. Supervise the activities of gambling casinos and their operating companies, in legal, financial, commercial and accounting aspects, for due compliance with the obligations established by this law and its regulations.

3. Determine the general accounting principles in accordance with which the audited entities must comply with the obligations imposed by law and regulations, especially regarding the timing and manner in which balance sheets and other financial statements must be presented.

4. Supervise the development of the games, according to the regulations of the same, as well as the correct functioning of the machines and implements used for this purpose.

5. Authorize the operator to contract with third parties the administration and provision of the ancillary services included in the operating permit.

6. Control compliance with the qualifying conditions and requirements, determined by the respective regulations, for the people who perform functions in the gambling halls or in other gambling casino dependencies.

7. Agree with other agencies of the State Administration or with private entities duly accredited before the Superintendency, the performance of specific actions or the provision of services that allow complementing the exercise of their powers.

8. To standardize the gaming machines and implements that may be used in gaming casinos, for which purpose the Superintendency will maintain an updated registry. The regulation will determine the approval procedure.

9. Ensure that the supervised operating companies comply with the laws and regulations that govern them and with the instructions, circulars and other orders issued by the Superintendency, without prejudice to the powers that may correspond to other supervisory bodies.

10. Require that the operating companies provide the public, through the means determined by the Superintendency, the information strictly necessary to know the operation of the industry, ensuring that it is sufficient, timely and truthful.

The Superintendency may directly carry out the necessary publications to comply with what is indicated in the previous paragraph. Likewise, it may order the publicity of measures, instructions or information related to the operating companies or gaming casinos.

11. Prepare and disseminate indices, statistics and studies related to operating companies and gaming casinos.

12. Respond to public inquiries and resolve claims made against a gambling casino or an operating company.

13. Exercise the other powers that this and other laws or regulations in force confer on it.

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