The Directorate General of Casino Games and Slot Machines


With the promulgation of Law N° 27153, “Law that regulates the exploitation of Casino Games and Slot Machines”, on July 9, 1999, modified by Law N° 27796 promulgated on July 26, 2002 and its Regulation approved by D.S. N° 009-2002-MINCETUR of November 13, 2002, an integral and uniform normative treatment applicable to this activity is established in Peru.

The General Directorate of Casino Games and Slot Machines, which depends on the Vice Ministry of Tourism, is the competent authority to formulate, propose, supervise and control compliance with the general non-tax administrative norms of national scope, which regulate and control the exploitation of casino games and slot machines. It has a consultative body which is the CONACTRA, formed by the MEF – who presides it -, SUNAT, MININTER, PRODUCE, MINSA and MINCETUR.

Online legislation: Online gambling regulation pending.

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